Functional, easy, kid-and-parent-friendly organizational ideas.
Where did the summer go?! The beautiful summer season has flown by and we’re headed back into another school year. Many parents are looking forward to a safe return to in-class learning for their children, while some are still opting for at-home learning. However your kiddos learn this year, we know things can be a little crazy when you’re getting them organized for the day and even when you have a routine, it can still be chaotic when a couple of items are not in the right spot!
One thing that can help is a functional, organized kitchen area with designated spaces for all of those day-to-day essential items and tasks. That’s why we put together this list of some great Back-To-School Tips to start your days running smoothly, and more importantly, keep them running smoothly throughout the whole year. Keep reading and enjoy having one less thing to worry about this fall!
The Kitchen
Designate a breakfast zone! For those rushed mornings, a great place to start is to turn a deep drawer into a breakfast stop. This is where you can put cereal, bread, granola bars, bowls, spoons, etc. in one spot. Simply divide the items into different spots with the help of baskets or boxes that can be purchased from the dollar store.
Start an easy-to-reach snack station.

Pick a low shelf in your pantry to fill with healthy snacks in clear containers. Granola/granola bars, dried fruits, etc! It’s a simple and great way to teach your kids the responsibility of learning to get snacks on their own, and limiting it to a selection of healthy treats on that shelf can ensure they’re eating the right things.
Get creative with storage bins. It’s amazing how versatile storage bins can be in coraling items with ease! Use a clear storage bin to make your own life easier when you’re getting your kids set for the day. Any of your smaller containers, or items like brown paper bags, Ziplocs, napkins, etc. can all go in that main bin.
Make lunch food easy to access, and designate an end-of-the-day lunchbox zone. You’ll never scramble finding things to put in the lunchbox again with this great tip. For the items that need to stay cool (juice boxes, pre-cut veggies in small storage containers, pre-made sandwiches, etc.) dedicate a lower-level fridge shelf to them. That way, they’re incredibly easy to grab and place in a lunchbox in the morning. Include your easy grab-and-go snacks on this shelf as well.
Additionally, create an end-of-the-day lunchbox zone for when the kids get home from school. They can drop their bag off in a specific area, and then you can simply place all room-temperature snacks in the lunch bags the night before. Then in the morning, just grab your pre-organized items from the designated lunch shelf in the fridge and send them off!
Hang a chalkboard or a whiteboard in the kitchen – this one is important for both the kids and parents!

Utilize a chalkboard or whiteboard, and place it in a very visible spot to lay out meal plans, a running grocery list, or to-dos so the whole family can stay on top of the game.
A designated Homework Station in the heart of your home. The kitchen is always such a comforting and vibrant spot, which is why it’s a great spot to work on assignments. As long as you have room to spread out books, papers, and computers, your kitchen island is a great place for this, and a great way for you to be present along with your kids when they need help. Bonus Tip: place a letter holder nearby for your kids to place their permission slips, report cards or graded assignments.
The Mudroom

Storage is everything! Parents LOVE mudrooms. The biggest reason being is it keeps the clutter away from the kitchen. One staple item for your Back-To-School organization needs is a Mudroom Storage bench. There will be no tripping over shoes and boots this year! Additionally, you can store coats, hats and more in the various mudroom compartments.
Make your Mudroom a Hand-Sanitation Station

Germs won’t stand a chance this year! Place a bottle of hand sanitizer near the door and get them into the habit of sanitizing before they do anything else in the home. In the same area, include disinfecting sprays and sanitizing wipes so that they can get into the habit of easily cleaning their belongings and preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Add a Calendar Or Board with Daily Reminders to your mudroom. Put your inspirational quotes or reminders in this room as well, and keep the whole family motivated when they head out the door or arrive home!